How to be beautiful without make-up
How to be beautiful without makeup
1. Hygiene routine
- have a skin care routine
- keep your lips moisturized each and every day
- take care of your teeth and whiten your teeth
- have nice clean healthy good-looking nails
- shower or Bath daily
- groom your eyelashes
2. Hair styling
- have nice hairstyle
- keep your hair clean and healthy and fresh
- use hair products
- buy hair styling tools
- make sure you don't use the same style everyday it's not nice
3. Good looking clothes
- wear clothes that you feel confident and comfortable in
- find a fashion inspirer
- love your school uniform and be comfortable and confident in it
4. Loving yourself
- have a good looking posture
- use good body language
- do not compare yourself with other people
- be confident in your own body
- be confident in your own style
Thank you guys for reading my blog and I'll make sure that I post soon so that you can read thank you guys thank you guys thank you guys I'll catch you guys later peace out.
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